Dear(?) Ted Nugent,

I love(d the feeling, listening to) your music,

but, when I open your website and have to read what you are posting there:

"...From Talkback, posted by the Nuge:

The American*) Warriors got the alla pukes on the run BIGTIME my friends!! we jammed in 130+ degrees Fullujah, Taji, Afghanistan, Baghdad, & beyond!! & the firestorm raises maxhell!! & the US soldiers are rockin!! It is without a doubt the most spirit stirring(!) event in my life to see the astonishing strength, stamina, & professional soldier dedication here in the hellzone!!

I slept in the Hussain palace lastnite & confirmed that the alla pukes are/were nuthin more than gangbangers gone demonic but are now thwarted by the world's best fighters!! I am a changed man in that I now have hands on eye witness affirmation that I've been right all along.

The whole world sux but America*) sux less & now more than ever we must fight for upgrade at home so the heroes do not die in vain!! Salute to Prez GW Bush & the US military machine for freedom!! Ya think I was gung ho before, ya aint seen nuthin yet my friends!! My horns hav grown & are sharpened like never before.

Godbless America*)!!"

and have to look at fotos like this:

and read the letter of "avid outdoorsman" General B.B.Bell:

then I have to say:

Today, Tuesday 18.8.2004, was my last visit to your website. Because all, what you are posting there, is nearly the opposite of what my heart beats for.

In a world like this, we need no "patriots" no "great warriors" no "in vain dying heroes" who rob all they can get, to abuse it in the name of freedom.

This is disgusting for me!

God bless your brain(?*) between your "grown and sharpened hornes"! (?*) or is it only a camouflaged jarhead with the famous vacuum between the ears?

Your Karlheinz

Wer die Seite von Ted Nugent dennoch anschauen möchte, der klicke hier: "alla pukes, America*)sux (cit.nuge)"

*) gemeint sein kann ja nur:

USA = Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika.

Schließlich gehört zu Amerika ja noch die Kleinigkeit von:

Äquatorialguinea, Antigua und Barbuda, Argentinien, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivien, Brasilien, Chile, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominikanische Republik, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaika, Kanada, Kolumbien, Kuba, Mexiko, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, St. Kitts und Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent und die Grenadinen, Suriname, Trinidad und Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela.

Nicht wenige der Menschen, die als Amerikaner in diesen Ländern leben, dürften sich über die Gleichsetzung mit US-Amerikanern nicht gerade geschmeichelt fühlen?!

Wenn ich mich nicht irre - ...