Jack Kerouac wurde am 12. März 1922 als Jean-Louis Lebris de Kerouacin Lowell, in Massachusetts, USA, als Sohn eines Arbeiterehepaares geboren. American writer, who was the first to use the term Beat Generation in reference to the group of American writers, including himself, who rejected mainstream society in the 1950s through their unconventional writings and alternative lifestyles. Columbia College, serving as a merchant marine in the 1940s. Later he traveled throughout the United States. Kerouac's best-known novel is ON THE ROAD (1957), a loosly structured and mostly autobiographical account of the Beat experience in America, regarded as one of the classic works of the Beat Generation. It recounts the hitchhiking adventures of several characters who embrace drugs, sex, and music in their wanderings across the United States. Nach der Veröffentlichung an Allen Ginsberg:"Ruhm lässt dich mit dem Schreiben aufhören." THE DHARMA BUMS (1958) is a more conventional novel, on the theme of self-fulfillment through Zen Buddhism. BIG SUR (1962), the sequel to On the Road, describes the retreat of a Beat leader to the California coast,where he attempts to put his life in order. Lebt in den 1960ern zurückgezogen bei Mutter und Frau, desillusioniert, ein verbitterter Alkoholiker. "Wenn das Universum Jack übersieht, sirbt er", schreibt Gregory Corso an Allen Ginsberg. Am 21. Oktober 1969 stirbt er durch Blutsturz, vor dem Fernsehgerät, den Bauch voll Whiskey und Dexedrin. |