John Bonham was born on May 31, 1948, in Redditch, England, and was a drummer right from that day, because he loved to bang on his mothers pots & pans. When John reached the age of 10, his father (ein Zimmermann) bought him his first drum, then soon after John himself bought a used drum kit. John babied it and often said, mistreating a drum kit is one step down from child abuse. By the Time John reached the age of 18 he had already been in several local bands. 18 was also the age when he met the woman who he would spend the rest of his life with. After meeting Robert Plant and leaving that band, Jimmy Page approached John to join another band with Robert. They would be known as THE NEW YARDBIRDS. Then after a comment by Keith Moon (The Who), they changed their name to LED ZEPPELIN. After many years of success with LED ZEPPELIN, John Bonham tragically died after a night of drinking. When he arrived home, Jimmy Page put him to bed and the next morning John Paul Jones found Bonham in bed, not breathing. On September 24, 1980, the doctor concluded that John chocked on his vomit during the night. - Unglaubliche und lange Drumsolos, oft nur mit den Händen gespielt, dauerten manchmal bis zu einer Stunde. Er war auch bekannt dafür, mit seinem Motorrad durch die Hallen von Motels zu donnern, wie für seine Autosammlung. Am 14. Mai 1988 im New Yorker Madison Square Garden spielte bei einem Led-Zeppelin-Reunion-Konzert Jason Bonham am Schlagzeug, der Sohn von John. Erneute Zep-Reunion: Bonham jr. heiratete im englischen Bewdley nahe Kidderminster seine Jugendliebe Jan Charteris. Johns Tochter Deborah ist Sängerin in der Band NINE BELOW ZERO. |